Aseara a avut loc in New York editia 2009 a Premiilor VMA.
Lista castigatorilor:
Video Of The Year: Beyonce, "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)."
Best Female Video: Taylor Swift, "You Belong With Me."
Best Rock Video: Green Day, "21 Guns."
Best Pop Video: Britney Spears, "Womanizer."
Best Male Video: T.I. featuring Rihanna, "Live Your Life."
Best Hip-Hop Video: Eminem, "We Made You."
Best New Artist: Lady Gaga.
Best Video That Should Have Won A Moonman: Beastie Boys, "Sabotage."
Best BREAKTHROUGH VIDEO: Matt and Kim, "Lessons Learned."
Best Art Direction - Lady Gaga: "Paparazzi"
Best Choreography – Beyonce: "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)"
Best Cinematography - Green Day: "21 Guns"
Best Direction - Green Day: "21 Guns"
Best Editing – Beyonce: "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)"
Best Special Effects: Lady Gaga - "Paparazzi"
In mare masura sunt de acord cu aceasta lista, mai putin la premiul pentru New Artist, unde cred ca ar fi trebuit sa castige Drake - Best I Ever Had si la premiul Best Female Video unde ar fi trebuit sa castige Beyonce.
Si nu sunt singurul care crede asta. Ma sustine si Kanye West, care a provocat cel mai mare scandal de la gala de aseara. Mr. West a urcat pe scena, i-a luat microfonul din mana lui Taylor Swift si a spus ca "Beyonce a avut unul din cele mai bune clipuri din toate timpurile. Saraca fata a ramas fara cuvinte, vadit rusinata si contrariata in acelasi timp.
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